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Federal elections and policy implications in 2012 Research Paper

Government races and strategy suggestions in 2012 - Research Paper Example There are regularly various sorts of government arrangements i...

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

A Nucleus a Day essays

A Nucleus a Day essays Wow, another exciting day is about to begin. Sometimes I get so tired of being the brains of this whole operation, but it is fun to be the boss and give the orders. Lets examine a typical day: I am the nucleus. My life is very complicated because there are constantly things going on and I hardly have time to talk to you. But since I started telling you about myself then I might as well finish it up. I am the most important organelle in this body that I am in; I am the brain of the cell. My primary purpose is to control the actions inside the cell. I contain the RNA and the DNA of the cell, and both of these work together to build and control the cell. I also produce these things called proteins and they are carried by the endoplasmic reticulum to other parts of the cell. The proteins are messengers and they give the orders to the cells. I am studded with pores that control what comes into the cell and what leaves the cell. These pores are filled with a large nuclear protein complex and these make barriers and plugs because the NPC is so big. Bigger molecules that want to enter this cell have to go through the central part. The nucleolus that is in me is the si te for RNA and the packaging of ribosomal subunits for export to the cytosol. The DNA strand is sometimes a very long molecule, and sometimes it needs to be compacted to fit into a certain spot. It can be reduced in size by rapping it around a nucleosomes arrangement of histone proteins. This can result in the DNA strand to be reduced so it will fit in the space. Well, cant talk any longer but it was nice to take a break ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Coordinate and Noncoordinate Adjectives

Coordinate and Noncoordinate Adjectives Coordinate and Noncoordinate Adjectives Coordinate and Noncoordinate Adjectives By Mark Nichol An adjective is a word that provides detail about, or modifies, a noun. Adjectives are sometimes confused with adverbs, which modify verbs. The -verb in adverb gives you a clue, as does the -ject in adjective just like the -ject in object: The names of objects are always nouns. Two divisions of adjectives are coordinate and noncoordinate adjectives. Coordinate adjectives are two or more adjectives, separated by commas, that parallel each other in modifying a noun. To test whether adjectives are coordinate, you can replace comma(s) with and. If the sentence makes sense with that change, and if you can rearrange the adjectives in any order without compromising sense, they pass the test. Take the sentence â€Å"See the box.† Insert an adjective: â€Å"See the big box.† Then, insert another: â€Å"See the big, brown box.† Now, replace the comma with and: â€Å"See the big and brown box.† Make sense? Yes. Now, reverse the adjectives: â€Å"See the brown, big box.† Make sense? Yes, it does, though it doesn’t roll off the tongue as trippingly; conventions have been established in English that determine which types of adjectives have priority than others in such constructions, and â€Å"See the brown, big box† violates one of those conventions. However, it’s just mildly awkward sounding, not nonsensical. Now, replace the comma with and: â€Å"See the brown and big box.† Make sense? Yes. Again, it’s not elegant, but it makes sense. But consider this sentence: â€Å"See the big, bread box.† The comma seems wrong. Why? Test it: â€Å"See the big and bread box.† Un-uh. â€Å"See the bread, big box.† Nope. â€Å"See the bread and big box.† Ix-nay. What gives? In this sentence and its attempted variants, big and bread are noncoordinate adjectives. In the original sentence, the idea is that the box is big and the box is brown the adjectives are parallel in purpose. But in â€Å"See the big, bread box,† big modifies â€Å"bread box,† a permanent open compound (a noun consisting of two or more words that have developed a distinct meaning). The sentence does not state that the box is big and the box is bread; it states that the bread box is big. So, just as â€Å"See the big box† needs no comma between the adjective and the noun, â€Å"See the big bread box† requires no comma between the adjective and the permanent open compound (which consists of an adjective and a noun). The adjective big and the adjective bread have different functions; therefore, they are noncoordinate. But note that compounds do not have to be permanent for this rule to apply. Test this more complex sentence: â€Å"The British Council is the United Kingdom’s government-backed, cultural-promotion agency.† Replace and with a comma: â€Å"The British Council is the United Kingdom’s government-backed and cultural-promotion agency.† Reverse the adjectives: â€Å"The British Council is the United Kingdom’s cultural-promotion, government-backed agency.† Reverse the adjectives and replace and with a comma: â€Å"The British Council is the United Kingdom’s cultural-promotion and government-backed agency.† These sentences are beyond awkward. In this case, â€Å"cultural-promotion agency† is a temporary open compound that is described here as being government backed. When adjectives are noncoordinate, no comma is required, so even though this is a complex sentence, omit internal punctuation (or recast and relax it, as with this option: â€Å"The British council, a cultural-promotion agency, is backed by the government of the United Kingdom.†) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Words with More Than One SpellingEmpathy "With" or Empathy "For"?20 Classic Novels You Can Read in One Sitting

Thursday, November 21, 2019

BS (Britsh standard) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 3

BS (Britsh standard) - Essay Example British Standard for the vocabulary of terms in design management system is being presented through BS 7000-10 so that there could be better understanding of terms used while managing design and coordinating the work of various professionals who forms the design development team. All the terms and related definitions that are basically the found in various other parts of the BS 7000 series have been collated into this BS 7000-10. Apart from these, this standard contains many other terminologies that have got a very common presence in design practice and management. The compilation has been the most useful as well as eloquent reference in all discussions in the domain of design. This BS 7000-10 defines vocabulary that has got its use in design and its management including those that are being used in different areas with particular meanings in industry as well as commerce. The scope of this BS 7000-10 has been quite wide and actually covers all terminologies that have some use in the design management irrespective of the sectors. It might be the government, industry, business & commerce, services providers and the public sector enterprises. It has equivocally been applicable to all range of areas that includes technical, services, software, production and design. The terminology related to Intellectual property Rights and other rights have also been given due space in the compilation. In short one can easily figure out that this BS 7000-10 is meant for an able assistance to those who have the responsibility or an interest in design and its management. But at the same time, it is also meant for assisting those who are basically meant for providing a helping hand to the main designers but have no familiarity with the terminologies that are often used by the designers. British Standard Series is a clear example of one understanding according to which one can

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Early Intervention Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Early Intervention - Essay Example first one is IFSP - Individualized Family Service Plan is a plan put together by the multidisciplinary team to help the family assist the child in the functioning of day to day activities. The parents should be involved in the team that comes up with the program. The second one is EIT - Early Intervention Team this team carries out the goals made in the IFSP. The team meets once or twice in a week to work with the parents and the children. Martine has done a great job in helping her son who has a disability. From her experience, I have learned it is important to be keen on your child’s growth. After she had discovered her son had a disability, she went through the program that would enable her to help her son. She also involved her spouse in the process so that they would work as a team. The program has helped her to give the son an opportunity to be independent. She sets a good example for parents with children with

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Road Rage: The Scourge Of Americas Roadways :: essays research papers fc

Topic: Road RageGeneral Purpose: To convinceSpecific Purpose: To convince the audience to combat "road rage" by increasing driver awarenessThesis Statement: "Road rage" caused by aggressive driving tendencies is a growing epidemic affecting today's roadways, but there is a solution.Ethos: Include myself in my statements.Pathos: Audience should feel horrified at the consequences of road rage.Logos: Cite statistics and research resources.IntroductionI. How many of you have ever been in a motor vehicle? Did you know that "motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among Americans 1-37 years old." With the largest % being our age group. (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety)II. Many traffic accidents could have been easily prevented if not for the angry menace called road rage. Road rage caused by aggressive driving tendencies is a growing epidemic affecting today's roadways, but there is a solution.Transition 1: As you can see road rage is a serious problem that could potentially affect us all. But many of us have different ideas of the scope of road rage.BodyI. You can better combat "road rage" by understanding what it is...A. Road rage or aggressive driving is defined as behavior behind the wheel in which furious drivers lose their temper and engage in risk-taking behavior or attempt to injure or kill another driver or pedestrian over minor traffic disputes.(Dr. Leon James, Professor of Psychology at the University of Hawaii, further defines road rage by breaking it down into three types)1. Verbal Road Rage is composed of behaviors such as yelling, swearing, gesturing, honking, and insulting.2. Quiet Road Rage includes complaining, rushing, competing, and resisting.3. Epic Road Rage includes cutting off, blocking, chasing, fighting, and shooting.B. You all are thinking that we've all done some of those things, but no one really gets hurt. You can be sure that's exactly what Tracie Alfieri and Narkey Terry also thought.1. According to a June 2, Newsweek article, Tracie Alfieri became enraged by the manner in which Rene Andrews pulled into her lane. Alfieri tried to pass Andrews on the right then cut in front and hit the brakes causing Andrews to swerve into a stopped tractor resulting in the loss of Andrews' 6 month old unborn child. Tracie Alfieri was convicted this May of vehicular manslaughter and sentenced to 18 months in prison. (Newsweek)2. In the most commonly cited incident of road rage, which ended in three deaths: Narkey Terry and Billy Canipe became involved in a game of cat and mouse because Canipe was moving too slowly in the left lane.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Problem Statement Essay

Does audit rotation at diverse levels (accomplice level versus firm level) in distinctive settings (compulsory versus intentional) connected with improved audit quality. Taking into account our audit of the writing, it is a long way from indisputable whether mandatory audit firm or audit partner rotation can enhance audit quality, nor is it clear whether deliberate audit firm or partner revolution can substitute for obligatory audit rotation. Mandatory rotation may upgrade audit quality focused around the suspicion that turn brings a crisp viewpoint. Not with standing, mandatory rotation may be less compelling if the recently turned reviewers need sufficient learning of the customer. The loss of customer particular learning could possibly impede the viability and nature of the review. Intentional turn practices can be powerful in keeping up audit quality if an audit company business sector and financial impetuses for creating or keeping up a great notoriety surpass its monetary inves tments from submitting to the requests of particular customers. Generally, it is hazy whether the obligatory rotation of auditors is a powerful answer for upgrade audit quality. The degree to which intentional and obligatory auditor turns at diverse levels can substitute for one another in keeping up audit quality is thusly an observational inquiry. The above discourse prompts the accompanying examination question. Audit rotation at diverse levels (accomplice level versus firm level) and in diverse settings (compulsory versus willful) connected with higher audit quality in less created locales than in decently created locales. There is a developing writing that analyzes how institutional components influence audit quality crosswise over nations (Francis et al., 2003; Khurana and Raman, 2004; Choi and Wong, 2007; Francis furthermore Wang, 2008). Establishments shift a ton crosswise over China (e.g., Wang et al., 2008), which gives us with a chance to test whether institutional and market improvement elements, for example, the lawful environment and speculator insurance influence audit quality. Leeway of directing between provincial studies inside one nation is that we can catch the impact of foundations on audit quality free from pollution because of nation contrasts in bookkeeping and inspecting models, 14 assessment, and liquidation laws. As former writing (e.g., Francis et al., 2003; Khurana and Raman, 2004;Francis and Wang, 2008) recommends, auditors  may be more touchy to the expense of customer distorting and are more inclined to keep up audit quality as institutional administrations get to be stronger. In districts with well (less) created markets, the examiners may be all the more (less) prone to be worried about the potential impact of trading off audit quality on their legitimate risk and market notoriety. In this manner, there is less incremental interest for compulsory auditor rotation in well created areas. Conversely, mandatory audit rotation may be more vital in less created areas, which need business motivators or oversights to keep auditors determined and free. Consequently, we audit whether the impact of required or willful auditors rotation on audit quality is more claimed in less created areas than in decently created locales. This prompts our second research question. The relationship between customer particular information and audit quality. The inverse and clashing forecasts and discoveries in earlier studies on to the connection between audit tenure and audit quality may be attributable to the disappointment to together inspect directing elements, for example, auditor’s specialization, charges reliance, and auditor’s motivators (Doyle and Ge, 2007; Daugherty et al.,2012).therefore, the accompanying areas concentrate on recognizing the critical variables that may direct the relationship between audit rotation and audit quality. The relationship between mandatory auditor rotation and client-specific knowedge. Contentions for broadened auditor–client relations rest essentially on a mastery contention. Past exploration has reliably shown that auditor experience has a positive impact on audit quality (Dougherty et al., 2012). Case in point, Brazel et al. (2010) find that customer particular learning, an intermediary for auditor experience, builds auditors’ capacity to discover misrepresentation markers. On a related note, a few studies (e.g., Lenox, 1999) contend that non-audit activities performed by the audit firms has a tendency to prompt expanding the auditor’s experience and learning of the customer’s operations and environment, and thus expand the capacity to discover error in the budgetary explanations.Therefore,providing non-audit ativities to the customer can have a positive instead of a negative effect on audit quality.therefore,  required audit firm or audit partner rotations, specifically when there are no compelling information exchange techniques, may prompt the loss of both express and inferred client-specific knowledge, and thus to decreased audit quality. Audit quality be contrarily influenced when a lead partner who has picked up this particular information of the customer is supplanted. Auditor ndependence is the foundation of the auditing profession. Auditor independence alludes to the likelihood that auditors will report the error in money related explanations (Colbert and Murray, 1998) and the capacity of auditors to oppose weight from a client (Goldman and Barlev, 1974). Along these lines, auditors who have a high level of independence will have a high likelihood of distinguishing and reporting lapses or budgetary misquotes, and henceforth will have the capacity to focus the genuine status of the reviewed firm, i.e. make an excellent review (Deangelo, 1981; Colbert and Murray, 1998). One of the discussed components that influence auditor independence is auditor tenure. It is contended that more drawn out relationship between audit partner and their clients can make individual connections that make it more troublesome for the auditor to act independently of the inclination of the client (Deangelo, 1981). This is further disturbed by the dread of auditors of losing a relentless stream of future audit incomes, specifically from vital client who pay the auditor huge audit expenses. Likewise, this may lead auditors to agree to the client’s requests (Lim and Tan, 2010). Therefore, compulsory accomplice turn mitigates the closeness of the relationship between audit partner and their client, and improves the auditor’s capacity to oppose weight from administration. The consequences of this stream of exploration (e.g., Hattifield et al., 2011) propose that there is a positive relationship between audit firm/or audit partner rotation and the extent of proposed audit adjustment. Simnett and Carey (2006) likewise discover a negative relationship between auditor independence and the probability of issuing a going concern assessment as an intermediary of audit quality.hence it might be contended that auditor turn can improve auditor independence and hence expand the likelihood of distinguishing and reporting budgetary misquote

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Emotions Paper Essay

Emotions are personal experiences that are hard wired into every single human being on the planet. Yet, somehow people seem to have little control over them. After studying all the different kinds of emotions people can feel, I did a three day inventory of the emotions I experienced. In this paper, I will discuss how hard or easy it is to identify emotions and the methods I used to identify my emotions. I will analyze the types of emotions I felt and whether they were primary or secondary. Were they the typical emotions I experience every day? Do I give in to any emotional fallacies? How freely I express my emotions and what I have learned from doing this exercise. During the three day inventory, I sometimes had a hard time identifying the emotion I was feeling. I often had to refer back to the list of different emotions. While I looked at the list of emotions, I tried to think about what I was feeling physiologically during that time. I examined my actions nonverbally and then cognitively I put a label on the emotion. For example, on the first day of my inventory I got woken up before eight in the morning by uncertain noises coming from my bathroom. When I opened the door to the bathroom, I found both of my kids laughing and splashing in the toilet using a toilet brush. The first emotion I realized I felt at the time was annoyance that somebody woke me up so early. I recognized that due to cognitive interpretation. The second emotion I felt after opening the door to the bathroom was anger at my kids for playing in my bathroom even though they know better. I cognitively new it was anger because nonverbally I raised my voice, physiologically my heart rate and breathing increased, and after I punished them I realized my hands were shaking. All of those signs led me to believe that I was annoyed and angr y. Within three days I experienced eleven different emotions. Five of those emotions were primary and six of the emotions were secondary. Determination, one of the secondary emotions I experienced was facilitative, because being determined made me want to try harder to finish the task I was doing. For example, when I was trying to do homework with my kids I was determined to get it done, so I kept going until it was completed. Fear and anger were two emotions I experienced that are debilitative because I had a hard time controlling my rational behavior. For example, I experienced fear because a huge dog was loose at the park. For a minute I just froze and stared at it,  not doing anything until my son saw it and started screaming. That got me to start thinking again and we left the park. The emotion of fear became debilitative for me because the dog was loose with no owner. If the dog was loose but had somebody with him my emotion of fear wouldn’t have been as intense. To my surprise the emotions I experienced in the three days were mostly intense. Out of the eleven emotions I experienced, only three were mild. For example, on day one I felt happy about taking the kids to grandpa’s house, but I wasn’t so excited that I was jumping up and down. It was a mild happiness. An example of my intense emotion is when I got angry. On day one in the evening of day one my kids would not listen when told multiple times to pick up their toys. It got to the point that I raised my voice at them and my hands started shaking. Then I had to call my husband to intervene because I needed time to calm down. The emotions I experienced during the inventory were mostly typical. However, there were a couple of emotions that I don’t experience often. One of the emotions I don’t usually experience is being exhausted. Typically, I don’t feel exhausted, especially in the afternoon. After examining why I felt that way I realized it’s because I was starting to get sick. The next day, I felt another emotion I typically don’t feel or experience often. I was trying to do homework and I felt miserable because I was nauseas and I had a fever. Typically, when I do homework I feel motivated or excited that I am almost done. That same day in the evening I felt helpless which is also out of the ordinary for me. I felt that way because I had a ton of stuff I needed to do and I couldn’t do any of it. My typical emotions during the day are happy, irritated, annoyed, proud, loved, determined, scared, and excited. Studying the subject of emotions and doing this inventory made me realize I have some fallacies I tend to fall into almost every day. The first fallacy that applies to me is â€Å"fallacy of approval.† For example, when I go somewhere with my kids or husband and I have to choose what I am going to wear. I realized that a lot of the time it takes me up to an hour to decide because I want people to approve of what I am wearing. The other fallacy that applies to me is â€Å"fallacy of causation.† For example, when my kids are playing the noise they make sometimes irritates me, because I want it to be quiet in the house. So, I say to them â€Å"you guys are irritating me,† instead  of taking responsibility and saying â€Å"I am getting irritated with the loud noise.† In my opinion I don’t express my emotions freely. No one has ever told me that I am easy to read or that my emotions show on my face. When in public I only show emotions that are appropriate. If I am angry at the person or upset with someone I tend to hide my emotion until I feel comfortable telling them. Most freely I express my emotions at home, because that’s where I feel most comfortable. The least freely where I express my emotions are out in public, because of the fallacy of approval. It matters what people think of me. Doing this exercise has taught me that there are different kinds of emotions. Primary emotions are emotions that are hard wired into human beings, and secondary emotions make up primary emotions. I learned how to analyze what emotion I am feeling. I don’t think I have ever done that consciously before. It made me really think about my reactions, what’s happening in my body, and how I am feeling. I learned the valence of emotion. One emotion that you would usually think is negative can be both positive and negative. Also, I learned the word fallacy and how it relates to emotions. Last, I learned the difference between emotion and mood which I before I thought was the same thing.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Perl Array chop() and chomp() Function - Quick Tutorial

Perl Array chop() and chomp() Function - Quick Tutorial chop(ARRAY); chomp(ARRAY); Perls chop and chomp functions can often be a source of confusion. Not only do they sound similar, they do similar things. Unfortunately, there is a critical difference- ​chop removes the last character of the string completely, while chomp only removes the last character if it is a newline. $myName Jacob\n; chomp($myName); Chomping $myName cuts off the last newline, leaving just Jacob. Once its been chomped, further chomping wont do anything at all. Chopping the name, however, will result in the last character being removed, leaving Jaco: $myName Jacob; chop($myName); Chomping and chopping an array results each element being acted on, and can be a real time saver. chop(ARRAY); chomp(ARRAY); So remember - Chop chops off the last character without question or regret. Chomp only removed the newline, leaving the string itself intact. Chomp does not remove all whitespace characters by default. In fact, by default, chomp only removes what is currently defined as the $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR. If your goal is to trim all whitespace from the end of your string, try using a regex like this one submitted by a reader: $line ~ s/\s*$//g;

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Professional Mobile Signature For Business Email [Examples]

Professional Mobile Signature For Business Email [Examples] One of the major benefits of my executive business writing coaching work is hearing first hand what bothers executives about business email, mobile communication, and all business writing issues. I learned something recentlywhile working with a very smart, very mobile, technology executive. "It drives me crazy when people don't include their full contact information in their mobile signatures. If I receive an email on my mobile phone and need to call the sender, I often have to waste ten minutes digging somewhere for their phone number. I don't care what kind of device they sent the message from. I just want the information I need to quickly contact them." Good point! Indicate in Your Mobile Signature that You're Sending from a Mobile Device I had to send four urgent emails while on the train from New York City to my office in Princeton recently. I was wedged in tightly on a shared seat between two napping passengers. I was careful not to move my arms much because I didn't want to wake up my napping seat neighbors. Writingthese emails with my elbows hugged in fully was challenging. I just noticed I mistyped two words in one of the messages I sent. Typos do happen more on mobile devices. Stating you sent a message from your mobile device does inherently convey a "cut me some slack" request. And, it lets readers know you are out of the office. We should send the clearest message possible, even by email, so I don't intend this advice as a free pass for good grammar and punctuation. An email, even sent by mobile device, is still a business document. It's discoverable in a lawsuit or investigation. Accuracy matters. Interestingly, when I researched this topic on technology and writing sites, there was some controversy: Some felt it was pretentious to include a statement that the message came from a mobile device, as if it showed off your technology status.Wow, he has an iPad! Others felt it conveyed a sense of care. You're so valued I'm answering you right now. I'm more concerned about conveying accurate information that helps your reader and increases the ease of information flow. Professional Email Signature Format Include your phone number in your signature. Yes, include your email address in your signature. Often, in a forwarded message, a second recipient will only see your name, not your email address, in the To: or Cc: lines. Include any other information relevant to your readers, such as your company website and time zone. If you receive an email on your mobile device that requires immediate response and length, reply with a quick summary and tell your reader you will respond fully when you are back at your office. When you are faced with the speed vs. accuracy dilemma when mobile, always lean to accuracy. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(41482, 'c61cbd6e-f7ce-458b-af11-45f3cbe8af31', {}); Business Email Mobile Signature Cautions No need to state the brand of your phone. As much as I love my iPhone, many of my clients work closely with Microsoft and Google, so it's not appropriate - or even relevant - to name my phone. You likely email to a wide range of industries, too. Simply use the neutral statement "Sent from my mobile device." I received an email recently with the signature, "Sent from my blackberry please excuse any typos." Even without the ironic capitalization, comma, and missing word errors, this feels careless. Mentioning the mobile device is enough. Don't highlight that you'll likely make typos. Signature Examples Sent from my mobile device.Mobile phone: 609-555-5555 (if you share this widely)Office phone: 609-555-5556Email: yourname@gmail.comAny other information relevant to your industry, such as website, special login page, ortime zone. Omit any sentimental statements: Please consider the environment before printing this email, or Today's the day to soar, or any other inspirational statements. Remember, a mobile signature should enhance information flow. If particular information in your mobile signature helps information flow, include it. If information is irrelevant, omit it. As always, think about what works best for your reader. To learn all aspects of business email, consider our email course.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Response Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Response Paper - Essay Example .., University of..., [Address] Contact: Abstract The question of salvation by faith as opposed to salvation by the deeds have historically bothered Christian theologians of various stripes for centuries, being one of the key doctrinal issues in the Reformation debates. The purpose of this paper is to examine the key tenets of both doctrines, as laid out in respective epistles by Apostles Paul and James the Lord’s Brother, in order to support the author’s own view on this matter. Keywords: Pauline Christianity, salvation, faith, Epistles, James, Paul Salvation by Faith and Salvation by the Deeds: Paul’s and James’ Debate The problem of salvation and the exact requirements thereof have always baffled the Christian theologians and lay people alike. Its significance for the Christian doctrine cannot be overemphasized, because it is this aspect that represents a foundation for a Christian understanding of human connection with the Divine. Therefore any solutio n proposed for the definition of salvation and its requirements is bound to generate a vigorous theological debate. The two approaches to the issue of salvation that are most frequently found in doctrinal tenets of various Christian denominations is that of salvation by faith alone and the one of salvation by the deeds or works. ... As it is well-known, the main point of this Epistle is the one of a contrast between the former sinful ways of the Gentile Christians that used to be Pagans before forming part of the Church (Patzia, 2011). The ‘spiritual death’ that was once their fate before they awakened in Christ is conceived as having been lifted from this new believers by the grace of God alone, as it is affirmed that in the other case their souls would continue to be prey to Satan’s depredations (Patzia, 2011). Consequently, the new life of â€Å"good works† (Ephesians 2:10 New International Version) that the believers were bestowed with by God is not the result of the efforts of their own, but purely a Divine gift to them. Paul seems to proceed from counterpoising the world of flesh and â€Å"the cravings of our flesh† (Ephesians 2:3 New International Version) to the universe of God’s grace and mercy that are alone capable of delivering the believer from the clutches o f Satan, â€Å"the ruler of the kingdom of air† (Ephesians 2:2 New International Version). In this, Paul excludes the possibility of attaining salvation by one’s own works, as human flesh is inextricably bound to the world ruled by Satan and his minions. The famed quotation by Paul, referring to the fact that the salvation is carried out â€Å"by grace, through faith†, without any willful input by the believer, is the most vivid example of such Pauline reasoning. The Apostle apparently gives another reason for such phenomenon with regard to salvation, noting that salvation comes â€Å"not from works, so that no one can boast† (Ephesians 2:8 New International Version). In a more metaphysical sense,